- Slide 1: Innovative Care Delivery Solutions, Aligning stakeholder priorities to deliver coordinated quality care to all your members., slide, 1 of 3
- Slide 2: ACO Wins Shared Savings, Network physicians help keep health care costs down while providing a high level of quality care., slide, 2 of 3
- Slide 3: Your Partner for a Lifetime of Health, Find a VCP doctor, slide, 3 of 3
About Virginia Care Partners
Why Come Together?
Rising costs and fragmentation in how healthcare is delivered have plagued the healthcare system, and it’s our patients’ health that is paying the price. Physicians, at the center of patient care, provide a crucial perspective. They understand how the system can work better to improve the health status of patients. That’s why over 850 providers have come together to collaborate with each other, as well as insurance carriers, employers and the HCA Virginia hospital system, to create innovative solutions that provide the right mix of coordinated care throughout a patient’s life.